January 19, 2009

September 5, 2008


Peter brought home a papaya this evening, and Mi Mi is very, very happy.

Time for a break!

Hey, don't take it away from me!

April 21, 2008

He's Back!

April 29, 2007


Imagine everyone thinking you're a happy person
not a worry in the world
while all you feel inside is anger and pain

Imagine feeling lonely when you're not alone

Imagine being misunderstood

Imagine being away from your family and friends

Imagine being someone special
then just being someone who has to take a backseat to everything else

Imagine not being able to tell anyone how you really are
no one knows what you're going through

Imagine telling yourself everything will work out fine
while the progress is slow and painful


March 1, 2007

Peter and Mi Mi

Mi Mi loves to be around people, and that's Mi Mi looking very serious with Peter.

Day or night, no matter what we're doing he stays by our side. He doesn't like to be alone for too long, maybe he feels better knowing we're around.

When we drive to the animal hospital for his blood glucose level test, Mi Mi wouldn't stay in his carrier, he likes to come out and see what's outside the window. He likes to sit in the driver's seat with Peter.

I love watching them together, sometimes they curl up in bed in the same position, sometimes the sit and watch TV the same way. They both like to talk, but when Mi Mi talks to Peter, Peter doesn't seem to respond to him very often, I wonder why??? Maybe a translator is needed...or maybe sometimes words are not necessary.


Yes, that's right, that's Mi Mi drinking water from the faucet.

Everyday, we get summoned to turn on the water for him.

He usually gets his head a little wet too, like he just washed his hair.

The only problem with him drinking water this way is that no one can turn the water on for him when we're not home.

He drank water out of the water dish when he was at the hospital.

Maybe he just doesn't like doing that unless it's absolutely necessary.

I got him a water fountain which runs quietly with a small motor, the water flows quite nicely, but Mi Mi doesn't seem to care for his water fountain very much. Drinking out of the basin or the bathtub is the way to go!