August 14, 2006

Peter's New Look

Peter had his very first minor surgery last Thursday to remove a cyst on his scalp, and this is what he looked like for 3 days after the surgery.

While feeling bad that he had to go through with the surgery, I still think he looked very, very cute with the bandages on ;)

Peter is doing fine, he removed the the bandages today (happy happy joy joy). He will go back to the hospital this Thursday to get the stiches out.

Does anyone want to see what's underneath the bandages?


Anonymous said...

Nice look for Peter!
Hope he is better soon. When are you coming to NY? You haven't seen the kids or the
House. Love Ed and Ellen.

Anonymous said...

Both Mom and I are happy that Peter has been doing well with the surgury, and he looks very cute even with the bandage on, hope that he is getting well soonest, our love is always with Peter and you, our dear daughter.

Elaine said...

Hi Ed & Ellen!
Thanks for stopping by. It's been ages since I saw you, how are you and the kids doing? I'm working on going back for a visit in Sept. because my grandma is sick. I'll let you know when I get back.

Elaine said...

Hi Mama & Baba,

Peter is doing fine, thank you for your concern.
