November 30, 2006

Aqua Baby

November 30, 2006

Day 5 @ Mia Animal Hospital

This is what I saw when I walked in to the room today...Peter and Mi Mi sharing a nice moment together. We went seperately to Mia Animal Hospital, Peter was already there when I arrived. By the look of it, Mi Mi seemed to enjoy his water very much.

I was able to pick him up and hold him and make him be in the pictures with me. He didn't mind at all...ha ha ha ha.

Since I wouldn't let him go anywhere after he got on the stool, he started to clean himself, after that he just gave up trying to jump to the floor.

Mi Mi's blood sugar level is down to 300, although not quite perfect yet, but it's better than yesterday's 500. We hope to hear more good news tomorrow.

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